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Guided Choices 2025

Year 9 is the time for all learners to choose the subjects that they will study during the next two years. Some of these decisions can affect your chosen career pathway not just when you leave school but also in later life. These decisions are really important and you need to think very carefully about which subjects you choose. At St James Academy, we are committed to raising achievement and ensuring that our learners dream big, have high aspirations and make the right choices. Our curriculum is designed so that all learners, regardless of background, have the opportunity to make progress across a broad choice of subjects and study programmes.

Choosing the right options now will enable learners to reach their full potential and achieve the grades of which they are capable which is why we have a 'Guided Choices' process for selecting options in place.

This year's Guided Choices Parent/Carer guide can be viewed below. Mr. Palmer is the main contact for this year's Guided Choices process; he can be contacted at [email protected].