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New Learner Data Collection

This form is for parents and carers to complete on behalf of their child who is due to attend The Link Academy soon. The form is split into seven short sections as follows:

Section 1: Learner details. 
Section 2: Emergency contacts. 
Section 3: Medical details. 
Section 4: Meal arrangements.
Section 5: Additional information. 
Section 6: Consent. 
Section 7: Comments.

Should you require any additional information, or require this form in paper format, please contact our school by emailing: [email protected].

Under Section 6. Consent, we seek your parental consent for the use of your child’s personal data.  We encourage you to discuss consent preferences with your child before providing your consent.  Our school will rely on the following consent preferences to process photos and videos throughout the learner’s time at school and for a reasonable period after they have left. You can withdraw or change your consent preferences at any time by contacting the academy.

We use information about children and young people to carry out specific functions for which we are responsible. We derive statistics from this data to inform decisions related to the running of the academy, curriculum, safeguarding and learner outcomes. The lawful basis for processing is covered under Article 6 and Article 9 of the GDPR.  Detailed information can be found in our Privacy Notice(s) on our Trust website: